Apple is gearing up for the highly anticipated launch of its iPhone 16 series, expected to debut on September 10, 2024. This new lineup will include four models: the standard iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Notably, the Pro models will see an increase in screen size, with the iPhone 16 Pro measuring 6.3 inches and the Pro Max at 6.9 inches, marking a significant change after several years of consistent sizing.
The iPhone 16 series will feature several exciting enhancements, including a new Action Button that replaces the traditional mute switch, and a dedicated Capture Button designed specifically for photography. This button will allow users to take photos and videos with varying pressure sensitivity, mimicking the functionality of a digital camera shutter.
In terms of performance, all models are expected to be powered by the new A18 chip, promising improved efficiency and speed. The Pro versions will also include advanced camera capabilities, such as a tetraprism lens enabling 5x optical zoom, previously exclusive to the Pro Max. With these upgrades, Apple aims to maintain its competitive edge in the consumer tech market, particularly as rivals like Samsung and Google continue to innovate in the smartphone arena.